+91 9933880153
Manoj Kami


The school with its CBSE Affiliation & its curriculum classes starting from Pre- Primary to Class X (Ten). It also offers extracurricular activities based on to nurture the inner quality of a student.
The medium of instruction in the school is English. Students coming with poor English background are encouraged to attend Special English Language Classes offered by the school. It also carries to the all round development of the children laying greater emphasis on the moral and spiritual values without losing sight of the physique aspect. We, therefore, hold that the most important tasks ahead of us is to inculcate in them patriotic values based on spiritual strength. We, thus hope to bring honest and upright citizens for the future.

Mridubhasini Pradhan

The school is opened for both boys and girls up to Class - X, without distinction of caste, race or religion, the main aim of the school is to lay an early educational foundation. The institution which has founded and nurtured have always insisted on integral formation and spare no effort to produce balanced persons in the best sense of the term. In keeping with its tradition, the school wishes to help students to emphasis on the moral and spiritual values without losing sight of the physical aspect. The school directs its educational efforts to help students develop as reflective and social responsible individuals capable of exercising leadership in advancing the cause of human good in the world.

Best CBSE School in Nagrakata, Jalpaiguri

Admission open Session 2023-2024 from Nursery to Class IX and XI.